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IDD SolutionNet Pte Ltd Privacy Policy

At IDD SolutionNet Pte Ltd, we own and manage the website http://iSafe.sg, and we are dedicated to safeguarding personal privacy. We have implemented a policy to protect individuals' information, ensuring its strict confidentiality unless required for legal proceedings. Users are welcome to submit comments, questions, ideas, reviews, or any other information regarding IDD SolutionNet Pte Ltd and its website or mobile application. However, please be aware that such submissions will undergo moderation, and IDD SolutionNet Pte Ltd reserves the right to edit or remove content partially or completely. It is important to note that all submissions must adhere to guidelines, and should not be illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, or infringing on the privacy or intellectual property rights of others.

What data we collect:

When you register on our website, application, or for our services, we collect personal information such as your name and email address. Additionally, we gather non-personal information, including anonymous statistical data such as user IP addresses, browser types, and demographic information related to the use of our website or mobile application.

Data access:

We make sincere efforts to provide you with access to your personal information upon request. We do not share your data with third parties in a way that reveals your personal information, such as your email or name, unless required by laws and regulations. Only our administrators have access to your data, and no third party can access it through us. However, you have the right to review and delete your data whenever you wish.

Data usage purposes:

We collect data to identify you as our customer and enable you to engage in activities on our site. These details serve as the means to recognize and facilitate your interactions on our platform.

Data retention:

Upon registering for an account, we process and retain your personal data as long as you do not delete the account yourself, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Use of personal data:

We do not and will never share, disclose, sell, rent, or provide your personal data to other companies for the marketing of their own products or services. Your personally identifiable information, such as your name and email address, is used to identify you for contact purposes, including newsletter distribution. Non-personal data may be utilized to enhance our service.

Your data rights:

If you have an account on our site or have made comments, you can request an exported file containing the personal information we hold about you. You also have the right to request the deletion of your data, excluding data we are obligated to retain for security, administrative, or legal purposes.

Third-party links:

Our application may contain links to other websites or mobile applications. These external sites operate under their respective privacy policies, which are beyond our control. We may mention third-party products and services on our website or mobile applications, but we do not provide personally identifiable information to third-party websites, advertisers, or ad servers without your consent. Please note that third-party sites have their own privacy policies, and we hold no responsibility or liability for their content and activities.

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us.

Data Breach Procedures:

In the event of any data breach involving loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, personal data transmission, storage, or any other unauthorized processing, we will notify you immediately upon becoming aware of it.

Reviewing, Updating, Obtaining a Copy, or Deleting Your Data:

You have the ability to review and update your account details. If you wish to delete or obtain a copy of your data on our site, please send an email to privacypolicy@iddsolutionnet.com, and we will promptly assist you.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy:

We may make modifications to our Privacy Policy periodically. Any changes or additions will be published on this page. Major changes will also be communicated through our newsletter. These changes will become effective immediately upon notice, which may be given by posting the updated policy on the application. Your continued use of the application or services after such notice will be considered acceptance of the changes. We may also make reasonable efforts to inform you via email. It is advisable to review this Privacy Policy periodically on the application to ensure you are aware of the latest version.

Cookie Policy for IDD SolutionNet Pte Ltd:

What Are Cookies:By using this website or application, you agree to accept our cookie policy. Like most professional websites, we use cookies, which are small files downloaded to your computer, to enhance your experience. This page explains what information they gather, how we use it, and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We will also provide information on how to prevent cookies from being stored. However, please note that disabling cookies may limit certain functionalities of the site. For more general information on cookies, please refer to the Wikipedia article on HTTP Cookies.

How We Use Cookies:

We use cookies for various reasons, as detailed below. Unfortunately, in most cases, there are no standard options to disable cookies without completely disabling the functionality and features they add to the site. If you are unsure whether you need cookies, it is recommended to leave them enabled in case they are used to provide a service that you use.

Disabling Cookies:

You can prevent cookies from being set by adjusting the settings in your browser or mobile application (refer to your browser's Help section for instructions). However, please be aware that disabling cookies may impact the functionality of this and many other websites you visit. Disabling cookies will typically disable certain features and functionalities of this site. Therefore, it is recommended not to disable cookies.

Types of Cookies We Set:

If you create an account with us, we use cookies for the management of the signup process and general administration. These cookies are usually deleted when you log out. However, in some cases, they may remain to remember your site preferences when logged out.

We also use cookies when you are logged in to remember this fact and prevent you from having to log in every time you visit a new page. These cookies are typically removed or cleared when you log out to ensure that you can only access restricted features and areas when logged in.